Flower Festival "Flora Burgas", Burgas

Every year in the Sea Garden of Bourgas is an exhibition of flowers with international participation. It is usually done in the last week of April and has a duration of about 10 days. The exhibition is a real feather of colors. It is located on three pavilions, in one that is the longest, beautiful colorful compositions are located. In the other two who are smaller, you can see the compositions of foreign companies, as well as the accessories that are an integral part of a beautiful garden. Different types of flowers, trees and shrubs are used, which are arranged in Ikebani and beautiful compositions. Everything is so beautiful and so pleases the human eye. Walking around the colored fairy, as if for a moment, you were transferring to a magical tale during the exhibition, not only flowers, but also plant growing, various decorations for the home and the garden. You also have the opportunity to buy flowers, pots, garden sculptures in the shape of dwarves and glakes, as well as beautiful wooden garden furniture.

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